Originally Posted by jaymann
I have not yet used any of the customized .STVs but I'm about to, depending on the answer i get on this question: If there are specific features i want to implement (such as MLBDude's "mini-guide" which is desperately needed to increase wife-acceptance level) but want to leave much else the same - can i do that by using one of the full customizations here or do i need studio to just add a single feature or two?
Your best bet is to use Nielm's STV. it allows custom menus so you only have to use what components you want to see. Then there are components that can be turned on or off in the Sage Settings or Properties file. However there are some things you can not add if missing. At this point Nielm has not added the MlbDude2 Mini-guide, but it has been requested and since Niel has added just about every other cool thing I expect to see it soon.
Other personal customizations will have to wait for Studio availability.