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SageTV Customizations This forums is for discussing and sharing user-created modifications for the SageTV application created by using the SageTV Studio or through the use of external plugins. Use this forum to discuss customizations for SageTV version 6 and earlier, or for the SageTV3 UI.

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Old 08-01-2009, 05:58 AM
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Originally Posted by jbuszkie View Post
I'm trying to decode a DVD and the audio doesn't show up.

Attached is the log. I quickly tried to see if I could determine anything, but I couldn't.

Other DVDs that I drag and drop seem to work fine. I'm using the defaults for audio in the setup file.

Am I missing something?
I'm going to bump this.. I don't remember getting any resolution. I'm revisiting the issues since we just got a portable DVD player that takes an usb or SD card and can play mp4. This is perfect for our upcoming trip. I'd like to get this working for the kids shows before next friday. I've tried another one of the disks I've ripped and I get the same thing. Picture is fine, but no audio? I've run it through "Super" and it works fine except it doesn't seperate it into individual files.

Any thoughts on how I can procede?

I can post the log for the latest DVD appempt as well if that will help

The original post with log is here

Oh.. And if I look in the VIDEO_TS.workFolder I find 4 VIDEO_TS.testDVD.x.mpg files. If I play these samples, they have audio. I'm not familiar with the process of what gets called when but Sometime after that step it seems like I lose audio... Are there any other logs I need to look at/post?


Attached Files
File Type: txt VIDEO_TS.scratch.33.HandBrakeCLI.err.log.txt (6.8 KB, 237 views)
File Type: txt VIDEO_TS.scratch.33.HandBrakeCLI.log.txt (223.1 KB, 260 views)

Last edited by jbuszkie; 08-01-2009 at 06:17 AM.
Old 08-01-2009, 11:57 AM
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OH.. And if I use the handbrake GUI and do them individually, I get sound.

Old 08-03-2009, 03:28 PM
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ok.. In trying to debug this I think I've found something.... From the log it's trying to execute

HandBrakeCLI.exe -v -i "//tower/dvd/kids/LAZYTOWN_SPORTSCANDY/VIDEO_TS" -o "d:/tv/VIDEO_TS.workFolder/VIDEO_TS.scratch.33.MAIN.avi" -m -t 4 -e xvid -b 1500 -a 1 -E faac -B auto --decomb --detelecine

When I paste this command into the command prompt I get this status message (among others):

Invalid codec facc, using default for container.

Could this be the issue?

I tried
HandBrakeCLI.exe -v -i "//tower/dvd/kids/LAZYTOWN_SPORTSCANDY/VIDEO_TS" -o "d:/tv/VIDEO_TS.workFolder/VIDEO_TS.scratch.33.MAIN.avi" -m -t 4 -e xvid -b 1500 -a 1 -E lame -B auto --decomb --detelecine
I'll see how that turns out and I've tried:
HandBrakeCLI.exe -v -i "//tower/dvd/kids/LAZYTOWN_SPORTSCANDY/VIDEO_TS" -o "d:/tv/VIDEO_TS.workFolder/VIDEO_TS.scratch.33.MAIN.mp4" -m -t 4 -e xvid -b 1500 -a 1 -E faac -B auto --decomb --detelecine

I'm at work so I can't tell if they have sound or not. When I get home I'll see.

Any thoughts? I'd really like to get this working...
Old 08-03-2009, 08:06 PM
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I think I found the issue.. I just have no way to fix it.. My guess is that when handbrake gets this commmand:

HandBrakeCLI.exe -v -i "//tower/dvd/kids/LAZYTOWN_SPORTSCANDY/VIDEO_TS" -o "d:/tv/VIDEO_TS.workFolder/VIDEO_TS.scratch.33.MAIN.avi" -m -t 4 -e xvid -b 1500 -a 1 -E faac -B auto --decomb --detelecine

It changes the encoder to LAME because it can't do aac for and AVI container. The problem is the -B auto. I guess LAME doesn't like that and reports the bitrate as 0. That's why I'm not getting any sound with the AVI container. if I do:

HandBrakeCLI.exe -v -i "//tower/dvd/kids/LAZYTOWN_SPORTSCANDY/VIDEO_TS" -o "d:/tv/VIDEO_TS.workFolder/VIDEO_TS.scratch.33.MAIN.avi" -m -t 4 -e xvid -b 1500 -a 1 -E faac -B 160 --decomb --detelecine

Then it reports a 160 bit rate as opposed to 0 when -B is set to auto

So the big question is.. How do I fix this? I"m having a hard time understanding the format of the .profile and snipit file to try and figure this out myself. And the /mp3 flag doesn't seem to do anything.

I'm soo close.. Help me OB1.. you're my only hope!
Old 08-03-2009, 08:24 PM
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That's some good debugging. Rest easy, I'll take a look at it tomorrow.
Old 08-03-2009, 09:08 PM
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Thanks EP!

IT seems like it's breaking here:

      + Processing conditional: isDVD&&handBrakeAudioTracks<:> -a 1 -E faac -B auto<=>-B 160 -E lame
        - Conditional List: isDVD&&handBrakeAudioTracks
          + Checking: isDVD
            - Does custom conditional (isDVD) exist? ()
              + True
          + Checking: handBrakeAudioTracks
            - Does custom conditional (handBrakeAudioTracks) exist? (1)
              + True
        = Overall: True, using:  -a 1 -E faac -B auto
Before that it was using lame and -B 160

I believe that's in the handbrake audio in the handbrake options snip.

To sum up.. I want /avi /xvid and /mp3

as a temporary solution I deleted %%handbrakeAudioBitrate%% and replaced it with 160 in the snip file and that seems to work me around.. but it probably not a permanent solution!

Thanks again.
Old 08-05-2009, 08:19 PM
mp328 mp328 is offline
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tnx for the help on the last one, the centralworkfolder works now like a charm with a noticeable speed increase.

anyhow next thing i would like to do, since this might never get imported into sage is to have dirmon or whatever other tool i need to scan the recordings folder at 4:00am or so and convert all .mpg files. doesnt have to be pretty just gotta work. i do not plan to skip any files, whatever is in the folder as .mpg will get converted.

since it's an i7 rig, by the time i wake up all shows will be done anyways lol.

it's crazy when a 2.5hrs show gets converted in 35-45 min time with the default profile (onepass only). well worth the investment

any suggestions??
Old 08-05-2009, 08:32 PM
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Originally Posted by jbuszkie View Post
as a temporary solution I deleted %%handbrakeAudioBitrate%% and replaced it with 160 in the snip file and that seems to work me around.. but it probably not a permanent solution!
Thanks again.
Sorry been a busy week. Yeah, probably the temp solution I would have given you anyway. There are a bunch of weird compatibility things like that in handbrake, its really tailored towards mp4/mkv/h.264 and everything else doesn't get tested as frequently and thus has some strange bugs occasionally.

Originally Posted by mp328 View Post
anyhow next thing i would like to do, since this might never get imported into sage is to have dirmon or whatever other tool i need to scan the recordings folder at 4:00am or so and convert all .mpg files. doesnt have to be pretty just gotta work. i do not plan to skip any files, whatever is in the folder as .mpg will get converted.

any suggestions??
Dirmon2 does a great job of this, I just set it to only process shows from 1am - 1pm which means it'll start processing at right 1am and but then wont' start a new encode after 1pm.
Old 08-06-2009, 02:19 PM
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Originally Posted by evilpenguin View Post
Dirmon2 does a great job of this, I just set it to only process shows from 1am - 1pm which means it'll start processing at right 1am and but then wont' start a new encode after 1pm.
so i downloaded, installed it and tried to set it up with the guide on the website.

am i missing anything else??? and tnx for the reply
Attached Images
File Type: jpg dirmon2.jpg (134.6 KB, 244 views)
Old 08-07-2009, 01:31 PM
mp328 mp328 is offline
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actually i think it is working, i just got home and two shows from last night were converted already

tnx again EP and everyone else that helped
Old 08-07-2009, 01:35 PM
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The blackout time works the opposite of how you'd expect it to, or at least it did in my mind For instance for my scenerio where I want it to encode from 1am to 1pm, I have it set to...
Start: 1300 (1pm)
End  :  100 (1am)

Last edited by evilpenguin; 08-07-2009 at 01:37 PM.
Old 08-07-2009, 02:41 PM
mp328 mp328 is offline
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Originally Posted by evilpenguin View Post
The blackout time works the opposite of how you'd expect it to, or at least it did in my mind For instance for my scenerio where I want it to encode from 1am to 1pm, I have it set to...
Start: 1300 (1pm)
End  :  100 (1am)

lol, guess i gotta fix that, but i did find another issue with it. t
he timebar seems to be all screwed up. before once converted and the commercials were cut out, the beginning of the timebar would be red and rest of the file green. now i have the whole timebar red and the file starts playing with the cursor at the end of the timebar. so if i do not skip forward the file will play complete but if i tried skip fwd/rew it starts from the beginning. that kinda sux, so i have to turn it off again

any idea what that could be. i am using the centralworkfolder, not sure if that matters
Old 08-10-2009, 02:09 PM
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anyways i got it all sorted out. turned out it was the "wait till the file is finished" i didnt check it off, so it was converting while it was still recording and ending up with wierd stuff in the end.

for anyone else who wants to set this up...

dirmon2 can be downloaded here

and see attachment for the settings that work for me. converting only happens between 4:00am and 3:00pm whatever is in those two "sage recordings" folders

now i just gotta figure out why sage only goes into stand-by once in a while and instead of when all the work is done and then i'm set lol
Attached Images
File Type: jpg dirmon2-working.jpg (142.3 KB, 354 views)
Old 08-11-2009, 11:58 PM
Peter_h Peter_h is offline
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Hey EP,

I've been using this utility for the last few days to convert my TV DVD's. It has been working great. Thanks for the great tool.

I'm running into a problem with one of the DVD's. I've run it through 3 different times and every time it hangs at the same spot. In taskmanager, I see that mencoder.exe is still running.

I've attached the log from the video.ts.autoendode.log. The line it is hanging on references a VIDEO_TS.scratch.37.mencoder.log. I looked at that log and i have a number of errors.

ERROR: scr 62.675, dts 62.662, pts 62.762
ERROR: scr 63.033, dts 0.000, pts 63.029
ERROR: scr 63.576, dts 63.563, pts 63.663
ERROR: scr 63.976, dts 63.964, pts 64.064
ERROR: scr 68.019, dts 0.000, pts 68.001
ERROR: scr 68.329, dts 0.000, pts 68.301
ERROR: scr 68.353, dts 0.000, pts 68.335
ERROR: scr 69.959, dts 0.000, pts 69.936
ERROR: scr 69.993, dts 0.000, pts 69.970
ERROR: scr 70.373, dts 0.000, pts 70.370
ERROR: scr 72.411, dts 72.506, pts 72.339
ERROR: scr 73.144, dts 0.000, pts 73.140
BUFFER UNDEFLOW at stream 0, raising muxrate to 28759 kb/s, delta_scr: 15381
ERROR: scr 73.671, dts 0.000, pts 73.640
ERROR: scr 73.679, dts 0.000, pts 73.673
ERROR: scr 74.013, dts 0.000, pts 74.007
ERROR: scr 74.961, dts 74.941, pts 75.041
ERROR: scr 74.980, dts 0.000, pts 74.975
ERROR: scr 76.224, dts 76.209, pts 76.309
ERROR: scr 76.911, dts 0.000, pts 76.910
ERROR: scr 77.481, dts 0.000, pts 77.477
BUFFER UNDEFLOW at stream 0, raising muxrate to 31635 kb/s, delta_scr: 13983
I don't know what all this means but it doesn't look good. Can you please let me know how to fix this?


Edit: This looks like it might have been a bad rip. I have some pixelation when playing the movie. I'll try to re-rip and give it another go.
Attached Files
File Type: txt VIDEO_TS.autoEncode.(3).log.txt (162.3 KB, 219 views)

Last edited by Peter_h; 08-14-2009 at 01:52 AM. Reason: Possible Solved.
Old 08-12-2009, 02:24 AM
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Got another one for you.

I have a TV DVD that is only making one .mkv with all the episodes. So, I searched back and found on page 9 that you said to use

/forceTitle 1,2,3,4
When I do this, only the first title is processed. Does this need to be in parenthesis, like this?

/forceTitle "1,2,3,4"
I did not see this switch in the second post. Is there a list of updated command line switches somewhere?

Old 08-13-2009, 02:32 PM
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Old 08-16-2009, 06:45 PM
whartsell whartsell is offline
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Originally Posted by Peter_h View Post
Got another one for you.

I have a TV DVD that is only making one .mkv with all the episodes. So, I searched back and found on page 9 that you said to use

/forceTitle 1,2,3,4
When I do this, only the first title is processed. Does this need to be in parenthesis, like this?

/forceTitle "1,2,3,4"
I did not see this switch in the second post. Is there a list of updated command line switches somewhere?


Same for me. It appears to not like any of the babylon 5 disks and I use /forcetitle but have to use one at a time cause it doesnt take multiples. Is their a way to have It force multiple titles?
Old 08-17-2009, 12:29 AM
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yeah, I've tried.

/forceTitle 1,2,3,4
/forceTitle "1,2,3,4"
/forceTitle 1, forceTitle 2, /forceTitle 2, /forceTitle 3, /forceTitle4

In all instances, only the first title is processed. I still have about 10 problem discs to go so i'm going to play around with the ampersand and see if that will work.
Old 08-17-2009, 11:28 AM
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*ugh*, I must have some updated code in my dev version that supports multiple titles like that.
Old 08-17-2009, 01:56 PM
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Originally Posted by evilpenguin View Post
*ugh*, I must have some updated code in my dev version that supports multiple titles like that.
Any chance you could send a new build our way? Can we bribe you?
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