Clients work great, but local, not so much
I have a dedicated media server (WIN7-64, 2TB HDD) that primarily fees two HD300s. But sometimes I like to watch at the server itself on the plasma TV connected to it. The graphics card has HDMI output, which goes to an amplifier (video and sound both), then the amplifier with an HDMI out to the TV. Once I get everything going it is fine, but when I leave if I turn off the TV or the amplifier or both, SAGE is barfed when I turn the TV and amp back on. Generally the screen comes one with a movable cursor, but is totally black. No mouse or keyboard input makes it go away. I generally have to do ^-A-D and bring up Task Manager, and kill SAGE, then launch over again. Sometimes it takes a warm boot of the PC. This makes it really hard for my wife to watch TV when I am not home. Even if I leave the amp on and switch the TV to a different (unused) input, the TV will eventually time out and go into sleep mode. And of course if I exit SAGE then it won't record anything. Do I need some sort of shut down procedure? Not preferred, but is better than this. Or is there some way to prevent SAGE from knowing that the TV is in sleep and / or the amplifier off?
Last edited by oldmike60; 11-02-2011 at 06:42 PM.
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