Placeshifter Suggestion
I have a simple suggestion:
Audio only mode for placeshifter.
Reason- Much like everyone else, I use placeshifter from work and so it spends most of its time minimized in the tray. It would be nice if there was a button on the sage stream window that allowed you to toggle between audio streaming and audio/video; This way when its docked all it streams is the audio; When the window is not docked it can do both.
I see the following benefits:
1. Much lower bandwidth usage (streaming aac or mp3 or what ever sage uses vs. video/audio)
2. lower resource usage as you are only decoding audio and not both
3. Less of a foot print on corporate networks; Streaming 3KBs vs 90KBs+
I realize that i could set the stream bandwidth lower; but i think it would be better to have a little button on the player window that lets you toggle between audio only streaming and video/audio streaming.