Media Companies
They crack me up. They are attempting to hold on to their current business model as long as they can. Caught this on Slashdot earlier today. It really seems like they are a clueless lot. Consumers are moving more to watch things when and where they want via DVR's and the internet. The media companies are fighting tooth and nail for this not to happen. They've been eating their cake for so long that I believe they've lost sight of how powerful consumers can be. If consumers can't have the shows they like the way they like them they will most likely move on to something else. Entertainment is replaceable.
"Time Warner Cable this month released an iPad app that would allow its subscribers to stream (some of) the channels they already pay for to their iPad, so long as they're connected to home Internet service provided by Time Warner Cable. The app probably seems like a baby step to most Slashdotters, and was extremely popular among subscribers — but it's thrown the owners of those channels into a panic, and they're threatening lawsuits. Time Warner says the contracts they've signed with the channels allow broadcast to any device in the home — 'I don't know what a TV is anymore,' says one company exec — but the channel owners fear that this will disrupt current and future revenue streams and that they need to stop it now. 'If we allow this without litigation, everyone will do it tomorrow,' says an anonymous source. 'If we litigate, we have a chance to win.'"
Server: i5 8400, ASUS Prime H370M-Plus/CSM, 16GB RAM, 15TB drive array + 500GB cache, 2 HDHR's, SageTV 9, unRAID 6.6.3
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Client 2: HD200 (latest FW), HDMI to an Insignia NS-LCD42HD-09 1080p LCD